2006年3月26日 星期日

Building Roots in Canada: Self Marketing Contest

2006年3月26號我們參加了多倫多台灣商會舉辦的自我行銷觀摩賽。這場比賽主要是針對大學畢業以及有工作的年輕人士(Young Professionals)並且是加國生根系列活動的第四階段。比賽當中不但有著名演講士也有課程用來增加大家對自我行銷觀念的了解。總共有14個參賽者。

On Sunday March 26, 2006 we attended a Self Marketing contest held by the Taiwan Entrepreneurial Society Taipei / Toronto. It was primarily directed at university graduates and young professionals. This event included speeches by people working in different industries as well as workshops. In total there were 14 participants.
