2010年3月19日 星期五

Earth Hour 地球一小時

2010年3月27日(星期六) 晚8點半,全球各大城市將同時滅燈一小時,這就是被稱為“拯救地球一小時 (Earth Hour)"的活動。此舉旨在鼓勵所有人就全球氣候變暖帶來的挑戰採取積極的環保行動, 我們邀請您一同為地球環保盡一份心力!。

At 8:30pm on 27 March 2010, Earth Hour goes global, with cities and towns around the world taking stand on the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, and millions of people uniting to turn the tide on global warming.
Think about how you could help and spread the word about Earth Hour in your area. Encourage your friends and neighbours to participate.

For more information:

Related Links:

Little Boss Market

法鼓山安省分會及織蓬萊文教基金會,於3月18-20日,攜手在大都會廣場舉辦為期三天的環保惜福義賣。因應春假機緣,鼓勵小朋友珍惜物資,循環使用;也讓孩子學習協力互助與理財,更特別規劃讓孩子完全參與的【Little Boss寶貝老板市集】及【親子才藝學習同樂會】

【Little Boss 環保市集小老板】活動,有幾項特別的意義
1. 讓孩子們趁春假機會,協助爸爸媽媽環境大掃除,整理物資。
2. 跟左鄰右舍親朋好友推廣環保理念,募集環保商品。
3. 參與環保市集,學習以物易物,或販售,或捐贈。
4. 所有販賣所得,可悉數由販售者自行收回或部分捐贈法鼓山,學習理財第一課。
5. 學習感謝,感謝所有提供協助的左鄰右舍,親朋好友。
雖然【Little Boss 環保市集小老板】活動持續三天,但是家長及孩童可以隨自己時間的方便性而選擇參加,選擇報名一天/兩天或全程參與三天活動。大都會廣場將為每個參加的寶貝老板準備愛心餐點及水果,請參加者自備飲料及環保餐具。

市集時間: 3月 18,19,20日 11:30 -- 16:00。販賣物品內容:【食品】除外,家庭日常用品,玩具,文具,書籍….皆可。

【親子才藝學習同樂會】 3月 20日(週六)的活動,除環保義賣外,也充滿了親子動手一起做的樂趣哦。每項活動出席者每人酌收材料贊助費用一元
1. 11:30 親子烹飪示範:【海苔包飯】。
2. 13:30 親子烹飪示範:【地瓜餅】。
3. 14:30 親子烹飪示範:【珍珠奶茶】。
4. 15:20 動動手工藝教室:【環保折紙工藝】。



歡迎社會大眾前來享受現場尋寶及親子互動的樂趣。上述所有活動地點均為大都會一樓中庭商場 (3636 STEELES AVE EAST, IBM 大樓旁) 。

2010年3月13日 星期六

2010 Toronto Kollaboration

Kollaboration – Raw, Uncut, Exposed

2010 年3月13日(六) 晚上7:00 pm

John Bassett Theatre- Metro Toronto Convention Centre
255 Front Street West
Toronto, M5V2W6

主辦單位: Dream Tree . Kollaboration Toronto

當一群熱愛音樂·創作·表演的年輕人聚在同一個舞臺時,會擦爆出什么壯烈的火花?想了解什這群加拿大的亞裔青年最喜愛的創作元素裏含著那些特質嗎?一場由來自洛杉磯韓裔青年Paul Kim 所創立的Kollaboration 主辦,多倫多蓬萊文教基金會及動力小組青年團體合作,最原始卻也最完整的表演將在多倫多為您呈現。



許多過去曾經參與Kollaboration的表演者,如今都以為成為家喻戶曉的演藝新秀,在世界各地的娛樂圈內閃耀光芒。其中包括美國娛樂節目【SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE]的參賽者TK·在世界Beatboxing 錦標賽中稱冠的Terry Kim和Twisted Ankles 的 Jreyez 等。


網路購票請洽官方網站: http://www.tdotkollaboration.org/

Partnerships and Major Events 2009

2009 REEL Asian International Film Festival - Community Partner for the screening of "Yang Yang"

Yang Yang (陽陽) directed by Cheng Yu-Chieh (鄭有傑) tells the story of Yang Yang, a young woman and athlete with a Taiwanese mother and a French father who she has never met. Sandrine Pinna (張榕容) stars as Yang Yang and like the character Yang Yang is of Taiwanese and French descent. Sandrine also appeared in Cheng’s debut film Do Over (一年之初) and the script of Yang Yang was written especially for her to play the starring role.

Formosa was proud to be supporting the Toronto screening of this movie and working with REEL Asian.

2009 Halloween Event with Infinite Ideas Youth Group

The Halloween Haunted House was put together by a group of passionate and energetic youths from Infinite Ideas Youth Group. They planned, built, promoted and executed the project with great vision and organization.

2009 Telus TaiwanFest @ Harbourfront Centre

Love is a universal language and the foundation of any happy union. This year's theme "A New Journey" is inspired by the concept of marriage. As marriage is cross-cultural, and the journey for any new union will always bring fond memories of the past and excitement for the future.
Continuing the direction of fusion-focused artistic expression from the past festivals, 2009 TELUS TAIWANfest is to explore the evolution of the concept of marriage from multi-cultural and cross-generational perspectives on tradition, value and ideology. Showcases in performing, visual and culinary arts surrounded by the melody of "Spring Breeze", the most popular and famous Taiwanese folk song on earth, will reveal the desires of young men and women to seek the perfect companion for the new journey in life.

2009 Cops for Community Charity Event - Partnership with Chinese Consultative Community of the Toronto Police Service
Every year, the Toronto Police will come together with several Chinese community agencies to raise money for local not for profit organizations.